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Sydney Finds Employment

One day he wakes up in the street in Sydney Claywood to explore a new policy to replace


Her in the street "Claywood Sydney wakes one day" to explore a new policy to replace
zagruzit.com Editor: Sydney wakes Claywood in the street one day it's a joint venture instead of a new policy by the political parties, churches and set among large enterprises to explore the streets to escape homelessness and unemployment. There some kind of solution is the ultimate solution.

Sydney is the only way to save himself and his friends decided to go directly to the heart of the plan, the CBD, and argue the case. However, Syd's mind behind the fixed ideas, may perhaps, you know, just to find a job.

Some here, some coarse and suggestive content. I'm only really recommended for mature audiences.

Featured in PC Gamer UK (and some Czech MAG).
-Candidate for 2006 AGS Awards
* Best Player Character
* Best Character Art
Sydney Finds Employment 1.0 can now download free * Best Animated Feature.

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